Our expertise at your service
HMS Brasil Off shore is a Shipping Agency founded in 2017, however its executives have been in the segment for more than 30 years. Our
organization aims to represent shipowners or charterer interests while the ship is in port, furnishing intelligent logistics solutions in port and maritime support navigation , providing assistance, advice
and always seeking to meet their expectations and objectives.
Besides the attendance in Rio de Janeiro ports, we can render maritime agency services throughout the national territory through subagents.

Delivery of orders, documents or spare parts on board;
Garbage, sludge and contaminated water removal;
Supplying fresh water and provisions;
Cobtracting repair, painting and maintenance services, including washing and holds preparation for loading of grain and others;
Cash delivery to the Master (CTM);
Bunker’s only preparation logistic.
Offshore Vessels (AHTS, SV, PSV, PLSV, among others.)
Special vessels (ROV, Sismics, Dive, Data Collection, etc.)
Platform Vessels
General Cargo Vessels
Tanker Vessels
Bulk Carrier Vessels
Entrance, exit pass and dispatch of vessels programming in the Organized Port;
Opening vessel’s call in the Siscomex Cargo System (Federal Custom) informing the cargoes to be moved;
Arrival vessel’s communication to the authorities in general via “Port System Without Paper” (PSP System);
Issuance necessary documentation for loading and discharging operations (Mates Recipts, BL, Cargo Manifest, Statement of Facts, etc.)
Procedures for the issuance/renewal of certificates in general with the authorities (Port Capitaincy, Federal Police, Anvisa, etc.)
Request and inspection follow-up to remove vessels deficiencies/requirements imposed by the Port State Control – PSC/Anvisa;
Contracting and coordination of operational services (pilotage, tugboats, boats and cars.);
Management of crew members.
Av. João Cabral de Mello Neto, 850, Bloco 2, Sala 928 - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil
Phone: +55 (21) 3030-0363 / +55 (21) 3030-0364